Personal concierge, house manager, personal shopping, house/condo checks, Farmer Marker pick up and delivery
The Child Protection Center is accredited by the National Children’s Alliance (NCA) for Child Advocacy Centers across the United States.
We are a center of resources for Englewood, FL and neighbors. EPIC Community Resource Center is a faith-based nonprofit public charity recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3).
Englewood Area Chamber of Commerce Non Profit of the year 2022
We are a nonprofit Social Club founded on the idea of giving the young people of Englewood a voice, a place in our community, and a greater sense of belonging for generations to come.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Englewood Florida Chamber of Commerce for more information.
601 So. Indiana Avenue, Englewood, FL 34223 – (941) 474-5511 –