Request Headers: --> Lemon Bay Playhouse, Inc. | Attractions | Entertainment | Entertainment-(Art / music) | Nonprofit

Lemon Bay Playhouse, Inc.


AttractionsEntertainmentEntertainment-(Art / music)Nonprofit

About Us

Local Live Theatre right here in Englewood!

Come enjoy live theatre through 7 shows in our season. We also have multiple showcases throughout the year. Visit our website to learn more about each show and buy your tickets.

Individual Performance - $ 25.00

Student (with proper ID) - $ 18.00

Group Sales (20 or more) are available

Call the Box Office at (941) 474-6756

Tickets are non-refundable. *Exchanges for a different date of the same production. *Fee applies

We strive to improve diversity and enrich the greater Englewood community through live theatre, volunteerism, education in the performing arts, and to provide a venue for other cultural activities. The Lemon Bay Playhouse will become the recognized community destination for arts activities serving as a learning space to harness local talent and extend community cultural awareness through the performing arts.