Home watchProperty management
8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday
We are Registered with Charlotte County as a Home Watch and Property Management business. We are also Registered with the State of Florida as a legal business entity with a Fictitious Name and we are Licensed as a Property Management Company. You may not think you need someone to watch your home while you are away, but someone will be watching it. Will it be someone you trust or someone looking to vandalize or move into your vacant home, while you are away?
Having a Home Watch service can help you protect your investment from potential threats of home intrusion, water damage, storms, pests and other unforeseen events that could and do occur. Our purpose at Eisenberger Home Watch is to provide homeowners with the “Peace of Mind” that their property is protected and maintained during their absence. We will take care of your home while you’re away, just like you would, if you were there.