Request Headers: --> Friends of Englewood Charlotte Library - Events Manager - Job Description

Events Manager

Posted: 02/09/2025

My name is Joan Fournier and I am currently the Events Manager for the Friends of the Englewood Charlotte Library. Over the years, the Friends have sponsored a large, varied schedule of presenters that have informed and entertained our community and we would like to see this continue

I accepted my position for a two-year period, and my term will be ending in May. I have asked that this letter be sent to all Friends in the hope that one or more of you will be interested in taking an active role on the Board of Directors in my place. We have a great publicity person who handles that end of it, and I have a list of potential speakers and would walk you through the protocol of arranging one to present. Of course, you are free to choose your own, which is a fun part of the position

The Friends aim for 5 presenters: Oct., Nov., Jan., Feb., Mar. And they are usually complimented within that month by Chef Warren. That's it. If you or you and a friend are interested in giving this a go, please contact me at Joan or at 774-473-4765. (That is an underscore between my first and last name

Thank you Joan